Again, apologies to the lack of updates. I’ve been focused on the webtoon, and now I’ve been “working the scene”. Most “normies” call it networking.
Networking is ultimately a skill, made all the more inconvenient and troublesome when it requires taking time out your day or week to travel great distances to large gatherings. It’s hard to get your voice out there among the crowds, to manage and establish face-to-face time, and create a rapport that can sustain itself well after its over. It’s maintaining connections through emails, twitter accounts, blogs, Skype calls, and even MORE face-to-face meetings. It requires traveling, moving, handshaking and smiles, listening and communication and making large impressions. It’s a lot of work, mostly out of your own dime and time.
I have a love/hate relationship with networking. It used to be a hate/hate relationship; the first hate turned into love once I gained some confidence and embraced my overall love for traveling, meeting people, and drinking beers (alcohol is a great ice-breaker). Still, there’s something off-putting about the idea of networking being so prevalent a method for creating and discovering job opportunities. It would be fine if it was simply on par for the course, but networking has become ipso facto the way to make it in. The problem is that it actually has nothing to do with the quality of work or the individual. Quality people and products should stand on its own. But hacks and shoddy material make the most headway because of individuals who can talk a good game, and manage to be in the right place at the right time. Wonder why there’s so much crap in Hollywood? Because a guy knows a guy who knows a guy, and no one can say “No, this is a stupid idea” to a winning smile.
But I’ve come to accept this truth, and I’m hoping I can provide a winning smile as well as a genuinely enjoyable webtoon and future scripts that people actually enjoy. I have another event this Saturday. Gotta brush the pearly whites.
Here’s a bunch of networking contact info of mine:
My Facebook:
My LinkedIn:
My Twitter:
And here are some links to friends of mine’s Facebook pages. Be sure to especially be a fan of Joe Murray, Frog in a Suit, and KaboingTV!
Joe Murray’s Facebook:
KaboingTV Facebook:
Frog in a Suit Facebook:
I’ll be back to posting long-winded analysis of stuff very soon!
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