Professional Video Work
I am post-production/media technical specialist. I’ve managed everything from filming and ingesting raw footage all the way to trafficking and delivering final video files, and everything in between – including building graphics, endcards, and legals; composing subtitles and captions; and backing up everything for archiving and storage. In my time at ad agencies and production houses, I’ve worked on campaigns for Google, Disney, Paramount, McDonalds, Samsung, Ford, Nissan, Balenciaga, and more. Below are links to some of those ad campaigns I have done at The Mill in New York City. My resume at the bottom of this page showcases my full experience.
Bud Light “The Bud Knight” ad campaign for the Superbowl from 2018. I worked on the fancy-looking subtitles.
Eli Lilly “Office Attack” ad from 2020. I prepped the office monster CGI files, the graphics, text,, legals, and the endcard.
Disney “50th Anniversary Invitation Fireworks” ad from 2020. I helped prepped the end graphics.
Qualcomm “Snapdragon – You Deserve” campaign from 2020. I did the subtitles, which required a number of adjustments over several resolutions.
Google well-known global Chromebooks ads; one of many I’ve prepped graphics and endcards for.
Nissan “Good Tech/Bad Tech” ad from 2019 of which I helped prepped graphics and endcards.
McDonalds “Perfecter” from their recent-ish campaign making their food look extra-delicious. Worked on subtitles and endcard.
Peloton “On to the Next” ad. I prepped the end graphic. (Fun fact: they re-did this ad for the winter to add in snow effects for one scene.)
Samsung “Galaxy Tab S5E Launch” ad from 2019. I worked on the legals, text graphics, and endcards.
US Cellular “Transactional Q3 Flate Rate Roblizabeth” ad from 2023. I worked on endcards, legals, and the text on the TV screen comp.
TD Ameritrade “Trader – Kale” ad from The Green Room campaign from 2019. I worked on the legals and graphic text.
A reel of Little Caesar “Grandpa” 1×1 social media ads from 2019. I helped work on the subtitles, graphics, and the endcard.
A reel of a 7-11 “Lowrider” campaign from 2021. Multiple aspect ratios for social media, I worked on and adjusted text, legals, and graphics.
Personal Video/VFX Work
I also know my way around various editing and creative programs – Adobe Creative Suite, Autodesk Flame, DaVinci Resolve, Sketch, Blender, Unity, and OBS, to name a few. Below are a few personal video projects I put together showcasing what I know. There aren’t the highest quality, as they were mostly done during the lockdown and therefore I had limited resources, but I am proud that I self-taught myself mostly everything you see below
A couple of donut animations I’ve made in Blender, based on a well-known tutorial on Youtube. I learned some stuff for VRChat, but also allowed me to get much more familiar with the program and 3D workflows in general.
During lockdown, I learned a few tricks in Resolve – planar tracking, masking, frame-by-fame animation, and so on. I used AE for the hypnotizing effect (inspired by Kaa from the Jungle Book) and Resolve for everything else.
A larger sized test, I wanted to see if I could apply that hypnotizing effect to an actual costume mask. I took cardboard circles, marked them with tracking points, and used Resolve to track them and mask in the spiral effects.
Screen comp! When you see a TV, phone, or tablet screen on an ad, 99.99% of the time the image or video on the screen is comp’d in, to avoid glare and reflections. This was done using Resolve, with a little color correction.
A kind of goofy thing I worked on during lockdown. A cartoon-y gag I did in VRChat, a 3D social game in VR – captured by OBS. Adding the writing and “writing” sound effect using After Effects.
This one was a fun experiment with various features in After Effects. As lockdown was starting to open up, I wanted to create something about “breaking free” from indoor VR into finally getting out and about in public.
I always wanted to do that “zoom out all the way to space” effect and did it here. during using Resolve mostly. I wish I could have filmed higher up, and better adjusted the speedramps and motion blur, but as a beginner it’s not bad.
Abandoned animated pitch for my first pilots, Survival Instincts (Regular Show meets Bojack Horseman.) The audio isn’t great but I am proud of putting together a small team to make this happen. Animated in Flash; various WIPs put together in Resolve. I still have the pilot script if you want to see it!
This was test for a more ambitious project, blurring the line between VR and reality, similar to the video above. Portals are just PNGs, but I did try to sync up real life movement with VR movements captured in OBS. All put together in Resolve.